Learn About Some of Our Success Stories
Lion Land Marketing is proud of the many achievements and successes we have delivered for buyers and sellers. We deliver timely and profitable sales, even for “hard to sell” properties. Our experienced team and our tried and tested strategy enable us to be an effective land sales and marketing partner.
Bellbird Park
At the end of 2012 we listed a small estate at the end of Eugene Street, Bellbird Park, with three very difficult sloping blocks. At the time this estate had been on the market with five local agents for over two years without a sale.
A project manager called us in to help. Using the preliminary version of the Lion Land Marketing Program we had all blocks sold in less than four months.
Wellington Point & Redland Bay
In 2013, Fiteni Homes were slightly overstocked with land and called us in to assist in selling blocks in Wellington Point and Redland Bay.
The team at Lion Land Marketing rose to the challenge and sold eight blocks at Redland Bay in just 6 weeks, which rapidly solved their over stock situation.
Markwell Park
In 2014 Lion Land Marketing managed and sold the Markwell Park Estate, just north of Caboolture. This acreage estate consisted of 11 blocks.
We sold the blocks in a good time frame even though the market was very slow in that area at that time.
The Heights At Durack
The Heights At Durack is a small estate on Cintra Street. The developer enlisted the estate to a local agent and to Lion Land Marketing to sell.
Using the initial version of the Lion Land Marketing Program we sold 10 of the 13 blocks prior to registration of the land. Three months after settlement we resold one of the blocks for $24,300 more than the original sale price.
Edenvale Estate
We were recommended to assist in the sale of Edenvale Estate, Woodhill, a 50 lot subdivision, after another agent was unsuccessful. At the time the estate was with a local Real Estate Agent and it was selling very slowly and below the developer’s expectations. We successfully sold the remaining 40 blocks including a house, which was used as the sales office – to the delight of another happy developer.
Evergreen Estate
Currently, we are appointed to sell the riverfront Evergreen Estate in Stockleigh. We have sold stage one and just started working on stage two and also have deposits on three quarters of the stage prior and just as the earth works started for this stage.
Augustine Park Estate
Looking forward, we are also taking deposits for the new Augustine Park Estate in Bellbird Park in September and October 2016, with construction of this Estate not expected to start until the end of 2016.