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Four Steps to Successfully Staging and Selling Land for Sale in QLD

Realtors in Queensland know that staging a property can enhance its overall value and eventually attract potential buyers. In fact, an excellent staging job can help triple a property’s resale value. Land staging involves making appropriate enhancements on a parcel; some of the activities involve include cutting a drive way or fencing. The process, however, can be challenging.

Data Collection

The first step in staging a land for sale in QLD involves collecting data about the property. This data should include zoning and perimeter survey information, legal issues, and the land’s topography. A visit to the site is recommended to be able to collect valuable information that may otherwise not appear on the map. The data collected dictates what you can or cannot do with the land.

Determining the Best Use

Finding out the best use for the property is the most important reason for staging. The use or uses of a land parcel may not be what comes to your mind at first. For instance, the land may be zoned for a five lot subdivision, but it could have a higher value if two lots with a higher density or an affordable housing project will exceed the zoning density. Specific location and a clear concept of the use of the land in question is an integral aspect of property staging.

Feasibility Plan

After coming up with a plan that shows the location of a property, a strategy on how to reach it must be created. For instance, for two building sites, you must show their exact location, possible views, driveway and stream crossing. This helps to show how the property can be staged and any plan that can be used for marketing it in the future.

Marking Property Boundaries

It is tough to make out the difference between five or more acres of property, especially when looking at vacant land. On the least side, you should place marks that show different portions and where the property ends and begins. This is important because potential buyers will want to know what they are buying.

Knowing these tips, you should be able to confidently present your land for sale to buyers. Of course, your endeavor can be much lighter and more guaranteed successful if you get help from certified realtors.


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